1. After 30 minute Preview, have prospect fill out Information Form. If the prospect is ready to register, then take, fax, or email information to upline Leaders Club Qualifier to get the number, making sure it is in the right place. If prospect is not ready, keep the form, so when the prospect makes the decision, you have the information.

  2. Set time and place for the Starting Point session.

  3. Send home with Steve Jones "How Successful People Get Started" CD/or send share link and the following pages of Workbook ( click to download starting point workbook ): Page 1 (INFO/CONTENTS page) fill-out the UPCOMING DATES section, Page 2 (DREAMS + GOALS page), Page 4 (MEMORY JOGGER page), and Page 5 (NAME LIST page). A good preview should have brought out some names which you can go ahead and pencil in on the segmented NAME LIST page 5.

  4. Take to session, or send download/share links:
    Starting Point folder containing:

  5. Start the session:

    • Register: Complete the registration process with Amway.com and then sign the online agreement (my account > contacts). Register N21 site and order New IBO Ticket. Register CLS International Website.
    • Page 1, INFO/CONTENT: Fill the Site Logins and Upcoming Dates sections.
    • Page 2, DREAM + GOALS: Go over the 5 reasons to build. Find out if they want to earn $200/month or $100,000/year.
    • Page 4, MEMORY JOGGER: Check off categories of people they know.
    • Page 5, NAME LIST (segmented list): Start with names from preview and add as many new names as they can.
    • Page 6, NAME LIST: Add as many names as they can.
    • Page 7, NAME LIST: Add as many names as they can.
    • Page 8, SHOPPING LIST + DITTO: Go over the 5 reasons to build. Find out if they want to earn $200/month or $100,000/year.
    • Page 9, NETWORK TWENTYONE STRATEGY: Check off categories of people they know.
    • Page 10, N21 MOBILE APP HOW-TOs: Steps to download N21 Mobile App.
    • Page 11, N21NA APP HOW-TOs: App for weekend seminars.
    • Invitation: Listen to the first seven minutes of "Invitation” CD by David Dornan.
    • Decide on dates for two or three two-on-one previews and a home meeting.
    • Write out one or two scripts and role play making appointments.
    • Have him/her make the calls and set the appointments. Or, have him/her introduce you to make the appointment.

  6. Page 7, SHOPPING LIST + DITTO: Place the following order for use at home meeting:

    • 2 cases of mixed XS drinks ()
    • 2 boxes of bars of their choice
    • 1 G&H Liquid Hand Soap ()
    • 1 case Perfect Water ()
    • 8 to 10 other items they would be buying at a Wal-Mart, or such, the next week ( click to download Shopping List page )

  7. Explain CEP program (leave/share several story AUDIOs from your library).

  8. After the Starting Point session, team up with new IBO to do the two-on-one previews. Gradually having him/her do more of the presentation. The prospects should be made aware of the upcoming home meeting.

  9. The home meeting should include new prospects, new IBOs, and prospects of new IBOs.

  10. At the home meeting the presenter uses the N21 Preview Brochure as talking points in front of the group. After the preview, the group samples the different products, and appointments are made for Starting Points sessions with the new IBOs.

How The Money Works - David Dornan

(For IBOs Only) (5:35 minutes)

Invitation - by David Dornan

The Invitation (7 minutes)

The Invitation (30 minutes)

Path To Platinum

(For IBOs Only) (7:48 minutes)

Starting Point - Workbook

Starting Point - Dreams + Goals

Starting Points - How The Money Works

Starting Point - Memory Jogger

Starting Point - Segmented Name List

Starting Point - Name List Continued

Starting Point - Name List Continued

Starting Point - Shopping List + DITTO

Starting Point - Network TwentyOne Strategy

Starting Point - N21 Mobile How-Tos

Starting Point - N21 Mobile How-Tos
